If you are a member of the
Arlington Heights Moms Facebook Group or a woman over the age of 18 (with or without children), living in Arlington Heights (or the adjacent suburbs) and wish to participate in the ProSocial offering, read the info below and register at
ProSocial is 100% FREE.
Why ProSocial?
Let me introduce myself! My name is Alex Lang. I have lived in Arlington Heights for the past 10 years and I recently created ProSocial because I care deeply about friendship and community.
I decided to try ProSocial with this Facebook group because almost every time I was explaining the concept of ProSocial, inevitably someone would say, "This is perfect for the AH Moms Facebook Group. There are always moms posting on there, asking to get together with other moms in the area."
Clearly, there are a number of moms who desire more opportunities for friendship in their lives. The question you might be asking is why should you use ProSocial rather than simply responding to a random post on Facebook?
ProSocial's algorithm groups you with people with whom you're likely to have a lot in common so that you form a deeper connection. In fact, our first trial with Fitness 19, Arlington Heights, produced excellent results.
My goal is to help you find friendships that will enhance your life. When you signup for ProSocial, not only will you have the opportunity to create amazing friendships for yourself, but you'll also be helping other people find friendships because your feedback will help shape the way we develop the application.
The App
What is ProSocial?
ProSocial is an application that is designed to help people find friendships. Rather than swiping through profiles, ProSocial matches users is through a social psychology theory developed by experts in the social sciences. The algorithm matches people in groups of 4-6 and sends them out to socialize in real life. The best part is that ProSocial is 100% FREE.
If you want to learn more about ProSocial, click here.
The Outing
Details about Your Outing
Registration: Visit and fill out the registration by September 6.
Groups: Following sign up, you will receive an email with your specific group by September 8.
Timing: Your group figures out a date/time that works for everyone. The outing should be a minimum of 1 hour.
Interaction: Your group may simply gather and talk over coffee, drinks, or a meal or they can engage in activities such as playing a board/card game or going for a walk or hike (please avoid highly physical activities such as sports). Whatever the activity, the entire group must agree.
Venue: You can gather anywhere agreed upon by the group, as long as the venue is not overly noisy or distracting. Below are some good options:
Breakfast, lunch or dinner at a restaurant
Coffee house
Feedback: After the outing, each group member will log into the ProSocial App to provide feedback about the experience. You will be asked whether anyone anyone in the group is someone with whom you would like to form a friendship. Preferably we would like this feedback within 1-2 days of the outing so that your impressions are fresh.
Deadline: If possible, please complete your outing and provide feedback by Monday, September 30.